Science Institution Grant Program

+ Deadline is  Friday, March 1, 2024 


The Society for Analytical Chemists of Pittsburgh (SACP) and The Spectroscopy Society of Pittsburgh (SSP) proudly announce the Science Institution Grant Program. This grant program is created with the intent of helping community groups, clubs, organizations etc. in developing and supporting a science outreach program or activity.

Grants will be awarded to institutions that support our core mission of science outreach and education. This funding can be used to support a multitude of programming, projects, or initiatives.


The Society of Analytical Chemists (SACP) and The Spectroscopy Society of Pittsburgh (SSP) and the jointly sponsored Pittcon, all aim to promote science education at all levels. The Science Institution Grants are one aspect of the efforts of the Pittcon volunteers and the sponsoring societies to support science education.


Please complete the attached application form. Your answers to the questions should be sufficiently detailed to allow the selection committee to understand the program you are proposing and its benefits to the community. Additional information can be submitted with the application such as background information on your organization and its mission. Applications may also include letters of support for your proposed program from other organizations or individuals.


Applications will be evaluated by the Science Institution Grant Committee comprised of local scientists and teachers in the following areas (along with their relative importance):

  • Attractiveness of the Program with Respect to SSP/SACP Goals
    25% of Score
  • Is the Budget Realistic and Presented with a Sufficient Level of Detail
    25% of Score
  • Program Demographics and Expected Impact on the Target Audience
    25% of Score
  • Size of the Target Audience
    10% of Score
  • Likelihood of Program Success
    15% of Score

Please keep the relative importance of these evaluation criteria in mind when preparing your application. For example, your detailed budget must include specific examples of how the requested funds would be integrated into your proposed program.

Please note that the willingness to accept partial funding may increase the likelihood of an award.

Recipients Will…

  • Provide a final report on the program by December 31, 2024, including pictures that can be used by the sponsoring societies for their marketing purposes.
  • Ensure that photographs have signed photo releases.
  • Acknowledge publically the support of the SSP and SACP. This may be done through inclusion of the societies on any donor lists, inclusion of our logos on your website or in any public announcement of the award.

Examples of Funded Items

  • Computers to operate a scientific instrument is acceptable
  • Purchase of science related materials (Foldscopes, science kits, etc.)
  • Any items that have a direct impact on the science education and outreach mission

What Cannot Be Funded

  • Technology-only proposal (ex. Computers for a classroom.)
  • Pass-through donations to other individuals or organizations.
  • Honoraria or cash awards for creating an endowment
  • Salaries or benefits

Application will be availabe in August.