K-12 Innovation Grant

+ Deadline is  November 1, 2024


The Society for Analytical Chemists of Pittsburgh (SACP) and The Spectroscopy Society of Pittsburgh (SSP) proudly announce the K-12 Innovation Grant Program. This grant program is created with the intent to assist public and private K-12 schools in developing and supporting a unique science engagement activity, program, or outreach.

Grants will be awarded to schools that support our core mission of science outreach and education. This funding can be used to support a multitude of programming, project, or initiatives.


To be eligible for an award, schools must fall outside other society grant categories.  Schools must fall within the SACP and SSP geographical boundaries of Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, Maryland, Virginia, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, and Washington, D.C.  


The Society of Analytical Chemists (SACP) and The Spectroscopy Society of Pittsburgh (SSP) and the jointly sponsored Pittcon all aim to promote science education at all levels. The K-12 Innovation Grants are one aspect of the efforts of the Pittcon volunteers and the sponsoring societies to support science education.

This year, the maximum funding available for each grant application is $2,000.


Strong proposals should have the following characteristics (in no particular order):

    • New initiative/project or programs with a continuation plan
    • Proposed itemized budget with specific examples of how the requested funds would be integrated into the initiative or program
    • Initiative or program that will impact many people
      • + What student/family groups will this program target?
        + What is the expecting impact on these groups?
    • Letters/details of support
Requirements of a completed proposal:

  • Recognition of SACP and/or SSP funding contribution
    • + Ex. Listed on donor list, display of Society organization logos
  • Commitment to complete a report with pictures that can be used by the societies for marketing purposes
    • + Please ensure that photographs have signed photo releases.
      + Failure to submit a final report may impact future grant opportunities

Examples of Funded Items

  • Computers to operate a scientific instrument is acceptable
  • Purchase of science related materials (Foldscopes, science kits, etc.)
  • Any items that have a direct impact on the science education and outreach mission

What Cannot Be Funded

  • Technology-only proposal (ex. Computers for a classroom.)
  • Pass-through donations to other individuals or organizations.
  • Honoraria or cash awards for creating an endowment
  • Salaries or benefits

Grant Application

Required information:

No proposal will be reviewed without a project plan and a budget listing the items to be purchased for the project plan.

+ School and/or District shall recognize the SSP and SACP if a grant is awarded. Complete a report that includes pictures following your event, program, or initiative within a calendar year of receiving funding or before reapplication, whichever comes first. Failure to submit a final report may impact future grant opportunities.

  • Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: xls, xlsx, xlsm, pdf, csv, doc, docx, Max. file size: 50 MB, Max. files: 5.