Intent to Merge the SACP and SSP

During the March 11, 2024 SACP-SSP meeting, an ad hoc committee of recent and current societies leadership reviewed the results of a Spring 2022 integration survey and recent changes to the individual committees by-laws and structure. The committee concluded that if the two societies were going to continue down a path toward merging the two societies, the next step would include initiating communication with the state of Pennsylvania with an intent to merge.

In order to initiate this process, the committee requested an intent to merge vote from the membership of each society. If this vote is approved by the membership of both societies, then the committee will need to have a new name for the merged society. Therefore, in this survey, the committee is also requesting ideas for a potential name of the merged societies. These results will be accumulated and another vote will occur to identify the top candidate for a name.

This ad hoc society merger committee recognizes the historical significance and lasting impact of the SACP and SSP on the field of chemistry in our region and around the world. This vote is not meant to lose sight of that impact, but to reorganize in a way that will help build upon the successes of the past as we look toward the future of the two societies. Even after this initial vote, the committee will continue to seek input from the societies to help guide us into the future!