Intent to Merge the SACP and SSP
During April, 2024, a survey of all members of the SSP and SACP was performed to determine member sentiment regarding the development of an execution path for merging the SSP and SACP into a single society. The result of that vote was affirmative.
Since that time, we’d met with representatives from our accounting firm (Maher-Duessel) and our legal firm (Meyer, Unkovic and Scott) to develop a transition plan, identify key preparatory steps and identify those issues that could impact timing/scheduling. If executed, this process is anticipated to take anywhere from 1-2 years. The primary timing variable is receipt of a ruling on an SACP application for conversion from a private foundation to a public charity. This application (a 5-year process) was initiated in May, 2020. If successful, this change would enable us to recover all taxes paid by the SACP over the years 2020-25. A positive ruling would further simplify a merger, since both Societies would be public charities (as the SSP has always been).
The executive committees of both Societies are requesting an intent to merge vote by the combined membership of each society. If the results of this vote are affirmative, we will proceed with the merger process by modifying exiting and developing new documentation (i.e. Articles of Incorporation, bylaws) required to prepare for an eventual merger. Project progress will be presented at the monthly Society meetings. Several of these steps will need to be voted on by the Society membership over the following year.
The voting window for casting ballots is 2-weeks from the date of this email.
We recognize the historical significance and lasting impact of the SACP and SSP on the field of chemistry in our region and around the world. This vote is not meant to lose sight of that impact, but to reorganize in a way that will help us more efficiently build upon the successes of the past as we look toward the future.
Voting has concluded